Cheers from Lake County

I’m parked at my kitchen table, sipping a cocktail to celebrate the “launch” of my website and my very FIRST blog post. As I get oh-so-close to hitting publish, I can’t help but be filled with a mixture of emotions:
· Jubilation – The website is up – finally. It’s finnnnally up! I feel like I should be playing Kool & The Gang “Celebration” on repeat. Loudly. It may look pretty basic as it’s just a start-up web page, but a lot of blood, sweat and curse words went into getting the page live and it’s a huge relief to be able to promote plaid & paisley and to finally  have an outlet to express my photography POV (point-of-view).
· Frustration – One of the major roles of my “day job” in advertising is to set and adhere to schedules. I missed every (single) milestone I set for myself…..and then reset for myself….. My Senior Account Executive self was often disappointed with my DIY web developer self, but at the same time I’m giving myself a pat on the back for stepping outside of my comfort zone to chase a dream.
· Anxiety – I so often found myself ending conversations with “if only I had a website”. Now I need to make good on that statement and do all the things I planned in my head —- hoping, just hoping people like me.

So on that note I’m going to sign-off from my first blog post and get working on all those things I dreamed-up in my head. I hope you’ll spend a few minutes getting to know me, and stop back from time-to-time.

Until next time. (Note to self, put blog sign-off on my to-do list!)

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